Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Just Keep Moving

What the hell is wrong with these people? I heard this on NY1 this morning, and felt all icky inside:
"Physical exercise and moving your body is a great way to lose weight," says Samantha Heller, Contributor, Health Magazine. "So, my suggestion is when you go to the mall, go early. Do your mall walk exercise which means go really quickly among all the levels. Check out the sales what you want to buy. Then you can go shopping."
When you're not power-walking at the mall, you could be power-dancing at the office holiday party. They say that half an hour's worth can help burn about 150 calories.

"When you go to a party even if you're not comfortable with dancing– try it. First of all, it's really fun, the time flies, and it's great exercise," says Heller "If you really don't want to dance, maybe you're in stilettos or something, standing burns a few more calories than sitting and it's certainly better."

So the main goal this holiday season, whether you're hitting the stores, the party circuit, or the gym, just keep moving.
Yup, that, and, um, Kong looks corny.

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