Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Quality of Light

mantelpiece continued, originally uploaded by photuomey.

I recently found this photographer on flickr, and have been pretty smitten. The quality of light that he/she gets is really incredible. it's inspiring me to consider a real DSLR camera in place of my lil (mostly) point/shoot, but don't let that comment take away from my respect for the photographer's own skills!


  1. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I agree on the SLR thing. I learned that by hanging out with a friend here who had a decent one. We would be standing next to each other, taking the same photo...guess whose looked like they could appear in National Geographic?

    So, let me know which one to get once you have thoroughly researched.

  2. Anonymous10:28 AM

    oops- the above came from amy c.
