Friday, January 26, 2007

Come ON, Now - How Hard Is It?

Jesus' General makes a video of Patrick Leahy demanding explanation from Atty General Gonzalez about how shit got so fucked up with the Canadian citizen that was detained in NYC on his way home, and eventually sent to Syria (??) where he was tortured for months before finally being returned home to Canada, where he was exonerated of all charges of "terrorism."


  1. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Arar was deported to Syria based on (bad) information provided by Canada's RCMP to US intelligence services that claimed he had ties to Al Queda. Canadian officials issued no guidelines for how Arar should be handled in the US, and so for some reason, he was deported to Syria, his country of birth, where he was tortured for months.

    The Canadian government recently issued a settlement of 10.5 million dollars to Arar for its "complicity" in allowing a Canadian citizen to be tortured abroad. No solace, really, but an acknowlegment of wrongdoing--perhaps of the kind you're unlikely to find in the US.

  2. Definitely the kind we'd not get here. I was very impressed with Canada's recent actions on Arar's behalf.
