Tuesday, March 11, 2008

When Wingnuts Debate Tears

Ace of Spades, in a revealing post, takes freak rightwinger talk radio host Laura Ingraham to task for mocking Brett Favre's tears in his farewell-to-football-after-:
So come on, Laura. Lighten up. And butch up, too. Yeah, butch up. Because if you're doing this Brett-Favre-is-a-big-fat-blubbering-pussy schtick you're not really as flinty-tough as advertised. It's pantomime.

It isn't that any of this is hurtful or insulting; it's not. It's too silly to be. It's just that it's pure ass.

Besides, there's a biological explanation for getting all weepy in such a situation: mirror neurons. You see someone yawn, you yawn. You see someone kick their shin into a table, you wince. You see a bunch of people getting teary on your behalf, you get teary back.
Got that?

Don't be so non-butch as to suggest that Favre is non-butch, and even if he were, it would be out of his control because other people were crying, too. It's the midochlorians!

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