Wednesday, May 07, 2008

MyDD :: The Tie Has Been Broken

Clinton supporter Todd Beeton at
I still think an Obama/Clinton ticket is operative (not to mention best case scenario at this point) and as I wrote earlier, I think she was signaling to the world with her speech tonight that she'd be open to taking the VP slot. It actually makes sense for many reasons as Andrew Sullivan recently laid out in surprisingly compelling terms.

Would it happen in a million years? There are still many that believe not but I'm an optimist at heart. Which is why I also believe that Clinton supporters for the most part will join in embracing Obama as the presumptive nominee once he is so designated. It's a difficult transition to make, I know, but I'm finally at peace with it because for the first time I feel tonight delivered a clear verdict that Democratic primary voters have chosen Obama as their nominee; the tie has been broken. And let's be honest here, you and I know he is a far stronger candidate for having had Hillary Clinton as his opponent. And just as hopefully our ultimate Democratic ticket is stronger for having gone through this crazy extended primary season, hopefully the blogosphere can emerge stronger as well for having weathered our own internal battle.

Now, does this mean I am going to take my Hillary Clinton sticker off my bumper? Hell no, but it does mean I've brushed off my old Barack Obama window sign that I picked up at an event last spring and returned it to my window sill, the first of many expressions of support for the man I believe will be the nominee of our party and the next president of the United States.

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