Monday, June 02, 2008

Playing Dumb

I love having disparate voices in my feeds, but Corrente is really driving me nuts. I have no problem with their ruthless pro-Clinton position, but how how HOW can you make a statement like this with a straight face? How? Here's vastleft writing:
Obama was awarded numerous delegates in MI, even though he didn’t get any votes in that state (barring a few write-ins, perhaps)? Where, this side of Stalingrad, is that considered fair?
This is the definition of disingenuousness. How can you just say "even though he didn't get any votes" in Michigan? What state of mind can you possibly be in where you can discount the fact that he wasn't on the ballot? Do you really think that's an unimportant technicality to your argument?

Democracy is messy, sure, but how will you get over making comments like this?
It’s only an issue if it costs Obama, which is 2008’s answer to “It’s OK If You’re A Republican.”
Yes. Obama is the 2008 version of the Republican party.

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