Friday, June 13, 2008

Why They Write

I don't know if I can take the bullshit coming out of the "official" John McCain for President blog anymore:
It's a Friday afternoon, and lo and behold, the Obama campaign is working to weasel its way out of another commitment to the American people.
I read a lot of right-wing lunatic blogs, and often wonder about the psychology involved, whether the writers actually believe what they are saying or whether they have some other kind of influence (religion, dumbassery, etc).

This blog is an official propaganda arm for McCain, so there's not really even any fun in it. He's paid to say things that are negative for Obama and positive for McCain, despite the facts. I'm following it to keep an eye on the shape of smears and falsehoods right as they form. I have to remind myself that it's not a mind that's writing it but rather an intent.

Okay, I'll keep following it. And try not to feel the need to refute every last point.

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