Tuesday, July 01, 2008


ARGGH! Can't stay away from teh internetz. More idiocy EVERYWHERE. The floodgates are really open now.

Could this be the new "Michael Moore is fat?"

Dominic Lawson says Obama is "articulate". And concludes:
Those who actually supported Obama during this [primary] process now divide neatly, if unevenly, into two groups. The first, smaller, group is full of buyer's remorse. The blogosphere is hissing like a catherine wheel with their anger with Obama, obviously, but above all with themselves. The second, much bigger group, continues to buy Obama's story. They argue that everything and anything is justified if it helps to get a Democrat back in the White House; some of them add that "of course" Obama doesn't believe any of the things he is now saying to woo the "redneck states" and that once in the White House he will revert to his "true beliefs".

To this group we must address a simple question. How do you know what Obama really believes in, other than his own destiny – and, of course, his conscience?
This is all so fucking manufactured - and yet I will admit that the great roiling force of this spreading and growing bullshit is so powerful it is somewhat terrifying. Like the early scenes of a zombie movie as you start to realize the madness that is growing under your very nose.

Which is not to say that we're in the "early" stages of a problem, both in the US and in the international results...but that the response to Obama, the shifting of the narrative, is arising so suddenly in all directions. It is so venomous in so many ways and I marvel at the ferocity of the cornered animal that is the entire body of Bush apologists.

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