Thursday, July 10, 2008

No More

I love not only John Cole's proposed list of banned phrases for the election season, but also his proposed punishment:
At any rate, the list of bannable terms from early is growing. The following should be banned post election 2008, if at all possible. Anyone who uses them should have their nuts cut out:

1.) flip-flop
2.) throw under the bus
3.) Sister Souljah moment
4.) slap in the face
5.) but how will it play in Scranton? (or whatever city that is supposed to signify middle America).
6.) Middle America
7.) “Elitist,” when what you actually mean is able to read at a fourth grade level or higher
8.) homeland
9.) “He’s comfortable in his own skin”
10. “Would like to have a beer with him.”
11.) practicing partisan politics or practicing politics as usual
12.) Maverick
13.) Ethnic cleansing
14.) “rock star” to refer to anyone not engaged in the actual playing of actual music.
15.) “give them the tools they need.”
16.) “played the x card” (where x = race, gender, whatever)
17.) white working class and “Reagan Democrats,” who now consist of Geraldine Ferraro and the 6 folks running the 400 sockpuppets at NoQuarter
18.) Adding the ‘-gate’ suffix to any scandal (or, as it is most of the time, non-scandals)
19.) “commander in chief” threshold
20.) stab in the back
21.) family values
I was going to say the other day that my eyes are going to be bruised from all the rolling they'll be doing in the next four months.

1 comment:

  1. I had a friend who used to work for the city, and she said that "clear and present danger" was popular for a while. = )
