Friday, August 01, 2008


Jesse Taylor:
Let’s put this out there - the “race card” is by and large a tool used by conservatives to stop people from talking about race, particularly as it relates to African-Americans.


In every case someone was doing something right - pointing out a problem the GOP had with race in a forthright and honest fashion. And in every case, the GOP immediately declared race itself a shameful and awful thing that immediately taints any discussion, no matter how racial its undertones already were. It makes the entire debate about whether or not the inner Jesse Jackson of all black people has come out and is trying to stomp around and extort various concessions from cowed white people, rather than what actually happened. And our political media being the bravely intrepid fuckwits that they are, it always - always - turns into a debate over whether the “race card” was actually played.

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