Friday, January 16, 2009

Laden on Warming

This should be a good series on Global Warming from Greg Laden:
So what is this an introduction to? I plan to systematically go through a number of topics related to Global Warming (and more broadly climate change, to some extent) and provide up to date information and description. What are the components of "forcing," what are the greenhouse gases, and why do some matter more than others? Why is sea level so important, and so incredibly interesting? What is the link between overall climate pattern and important events such as hurricanes and tornadoes, or whether we have a lot of snow or very little in a given winter? And so on.
It's always good to have knowledge at your disposal, because people you love can start falling for anti-vax or global-warming's-a-hoax things at any moment. You should be ready to argue intelligently against their concerns.

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