Friday, September 11, 2009

What 9/11 Is About to Jay Richards


Jay Richards from the Enterprise Blog (from AEI) thinks that 9/11 should be an opportunity for us to pause to reflect on how sad it is when people think that American business leaders are mean and greedy:
The attack on the Pentagon is obvious—it is command central of America’s military might. The attacks in New York might be less obvious. But the two towers that once stood proudly in the Manhattan skyline (along with several of their smaller neighbors) were not merely imposing, well known landmarks. Together, they were called the World Trade Center, and they were chosen as targets, at least in part, for that reason.

Capitalism, free enterprise, free trade, global economic liberalization: For those who understand economics and take time to follow the data, these words describe good things. But for much of the world, both at home and abroad, these words bring to mind every unfair stereotype of the greedy and rapacious “American” who takes more than his fair share and leaves everyone else scrounging for scraps.

We may be thankful that most of those who believe this ugly stereotype are not murderous fanatics. They are, nevertheless, legion. And their numbers seem to be multiplying once again. And so we should remember, now more than ever, that even when the benefits of free trade—domestic and international—are manifest, the world still needs those who will defend it as the best hope, this side of the kingdom of God, for raising the lot of the poor, whether they live in Mumbai, Milwaukee, or Medina.
On this day of remembrance, Jay wants to make sure that we don't forget what September 11th is all about: an attempt by extremists to get people to think bad thoughts about the rich and their constant drive to help the poor. We might always remain vigilant against such people.

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